Saturday, May 11, 2013

Doing The Dishes

Oh my heavens I love hearing all of this wonderful news!!!! I can't believe that Miss Kate received her call!!! That is so awesome! And Andrew sent me a picture of his hair and I let my district look at it too and we were all like "Aaahhh!" and "Oooohhh!" I exclaimed, "Cut your hair!" to the computer in hopes that he would hear me haha. I sent him those words as well just in case he didn't hear me :) I need a hair cut too ha, I will probably do that myself in a week or two. Yes Mom, I bought a pair of hair cutting scissors :D Don't worry, I won't go crazy or anything.

Also I am glad to hear that we were of any help when we were there, I still feel as though we didn't give you the help that you needed. I don't understand how things can get so messy though! Although I think I have figured it out. My companion does not wash her dishes after she uses them but my other companion and I do. By the time P-day comes around and it's time to clean the kitchen thoroughly, all the dishes are dirty and are sitting in the sink. Even though two of us constantly clean, if one does not do her part than it avails us nothing. The answer is, we always have to clean up after ourselves! I figure this is probably a lot like marriage. Both have to do their part! 

It has rained a few times since I have been here, it's amazing! I love the sky here as well, the sun is so big! You can see from one horizon the other... I have always loved and admired the sky but especially here in Austin the sky is so gorgeous! This morning as we were running for our exercise time I was running backwards as I was staring at the sky and I almost fell as I went over a speed bump! Ha! If Regan Funk is reading this please know that I love you and think of you in moments like these haha :)

My clothes... I am gaining weight! Haha I am planning on buying a skirt and a shirt today at target because my clothes are getting a little tight... Oops! The mexican, domincan republic, el salvadorian, and columbian food from the members are just toooooo good!

I used to LOVE getting covered in mud! Getting sprayed off was rather painful at times as it was cold and the mud had dried to be hard on my skin, but it was always a memorable experience. This is very much like repentance. Sometimes it is painful! But like with doing dishes right after you use them, if you clean up after yourself and repent when you do something wrong, then the mud won't harden so much and the pile of dishes might not pile up quite so high. When we remember to repent every day for the mistakes that we make, the people we may offend, or the lies that we told, we are washing our dishes right after we use them and we are washing the wet mud off with warm water.

I love you all! I don't have any more time to write as my Zone Leader, Elder Booher (Elder Booger as our Ward Mission Leader calls him) wants to use the computer now too haha.

Hermana Hopkins

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