Monday, April 14, 2014

April 7th 2014

I have prayed and asked God where to go to college. I am going to apply to BYU Idaho and UVU. I will be going into Music and/or Elementary Education.
Something funny that happened this week was we were helping the Barreras to rake their lawn and a truck drove by with a barbeque attached to the back. There was smoke coming from it and so we all paused to watch the truck drive by and stop at the stop sign. We saw a man get out from the drivers seat with an apron on and a spatula. He then proceeded to open up the barbeque and flip some sort of meat! He closed it and got back in the truck and went on his merry way! ONLY IN TEXAS!!! We loved it and I was laughing for hours! You better believe that I wrote that in my journal haha.
My companion is such a blessing to me. She is so funny and the other night I was rolling on the floor laughing at what she was saying. I can't remember for the life of me what it was that she said but we were laughing so hard hahaha. I like to try to be funny like her ;) She loves everyone and notices the good and points it out too. It changes things from sad to happy in mili-seconds.

We are continuing to teach the Barrera Family and the father joined in for a lesson on Saturday. He expressed that he is more spiritually prepared now than we was in the past. We invited him to be baptized on the same day as his children, on the 19th of this month, and he said yes!! His wife who is a member had tears fill her eyes. I thought of how long she has been praying for this, how many prayers her parents have offered for this, and how happy his children were to feel a strength in their family added to them! I caught myself in the middle of probably the biggest smile I have ever had on my face!! A FAMILY! A family. To think about it now still makes me emotional. I am so excited to be their best friends for the rest of our lives :)
Conference truly uplifted me in ways that I didn't even know that I needed. I have been learning a lot about supporting my companion and also the necessity of obedience. In Conference I noticed many themes of the talks including obedience, repentance, the Resurrection, and my favorite Book of Mormon scripture was mentioned more than 3 times. Its funny because I had read that verse where I am at in my Spanish Book of Mormon on Saturday morning... I can't help but think that I must have a trial awaiting me somewhere in the near future. But as we learned from Elder Bednar's talk, it is the LOAD which enables us to move forward. It is the load that gives us traction. A common theme that I have noticed on my mission has been that of Sacrifice. We MUST sacrifice some things for ETERNAL HAPPINESS. Our Savior sacrificed EVERYTHING for our eternal happiness, why shouldn't we have to sacrifice something as well? When investigators sacrifice sleep or popularity or money and work to come to church, they receive more blessings than they possibly could have obtained from their own efforts. When we sacrifice 10% of our gross income we are showered with blessings. When we sacrifice time to help, comfort, or lift SOMEONE ELSE the blessings that come to both parties are numberless.
I also noted the theme of standing for truth. It is in those small moments or those "gray areas" in which I find myself falling short. There is no gray area. When we feel that there is it is simply a test of our Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. A test of our LOVE and OBEDIENCE towards him. Basically I write these things to you in hope that I will learn, remember, and apply them better and quicker. It is almost like a self pep talk haha.
I love you and cherish you. I pray that others will come in to your life that may be of support to you and show you our Heavenly Fathers love.
I heard from Elizabeth that you are taking on many crafts! Good for you! I am inspired by you to be creative and have often found myself drawing or doodling while my companion is on the phone or while I eat. :)
You have such a strong spirit and I know that you are a terrific example to the kids :) I love my brothers and sisters here in Texas and there living with you.
Here are some pictures for ya!
Hermana Hopkins

March 31st 2014

There is a wonderful recent convert here that has so much faith! Here is an example of how he prays, "Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you in the holiest name to strengthen us. We glorify you and praise you! You are who provides for us and heals us! We ask you to bless the people who are in pain or in suffering to be lifted up in your glory and love. And we say these things in the most powerful name, Jesus Christ, Amen." When he prays he means every word! I thought of how we need to glorify God more. Johnny sells fruit and vegetables to restaurants all over San Antonio and he is a blessing to us as he gives us fruit and veggies for free. Strawberries, bananas, oranges, apples, grapefruit, limes, lemons, avocado, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, all of which we are very grateful for. I have been eating grapefruit with salt on it almost every day. It's delicious! My last companion used to cook eggs and peppers for breakfast, it always smelt so good! I also really like cucumbers cut up with salt and chile on them, its a Mexican thing but it tastes delightful! Be creative! I know you are! It has helped me so much to have all these fruits and veggies because I feel better about my food choices which lifts my self esteem and I feel clarity of mind because of the good food that helps me physically. I didn't realize how yummy it all was and how good it feels!
One of the books we have out here is called, "adjusting to missionary life" and it helps us to be healthy with all the stress we have. One part explains why it is so important to do Cardio exercise daily. It says that the more we exercise consistently the more we will see that our body needs less sleep. I was amazed! The better exercise I get the less sleep I will need?! AWESOME! Because I love to sleep but I just simply do not have time to be taking naps all the time. Run for 30 minutes, do lots of jumping jacks, get your body moving and when you feel tired and like quitting, DON'T. Push through and tell yourself, only 5 more! And then after those 5 more just tell yourself again, only 3 more! You will see that you can do a lot more than you think you can.
Also, for me to wake up I have figured out a strategy! I put the alarm clock in the bathroom. It is loud and annoying! When it goes off I go in the bathroom and turn it off and go to the bathroom since I always have to do so when I wake up. Then I come back in my room and immediately make my bed and then kneel down to pray. I tell my Heavenly Father of the plans of the day and the goals I am working on. I pray for strength to overcome weakness. Then I get up and start that exercise! I don't even change! I just go into the front room and start jumping jacks or stretching! And it totally works! When I only have the phone alarm go off in the bedroom I fall back to sleep. Try it! I know it has really helped me to put the alarm clock in the bathroom where it echoes loudly and just gets louder and faster beeping.

Are you studying your Book of Mormon daily? Are you attending church each week? Are your prayers each day sincere? These three things are the simplest and easiest things to stop doing but are what give us the GREATEST STRENGTH. Did you watch the women's conference on Saturday? It gave me such strength to push forward! We are DAUGHTERS of a LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER. He wants to see us succeed and be happy! My companion said the other week, "When we put ourselves down or hold on to guilt we are doing Satan's job for him." Let it go, Mom! That's Satan trying to hold you back and keep you down. The Savior suffered for you personally. He knows your weaknesses perfectly and has so much mercy and patience for you. He also knows your potential and exactly HOW you can and will reach it.
Now, after reading this you are probably going to think in your head, "That's great Ally, but I just can't seem to get up. I am sick! I am tired. I just don't feel like I have the strength."
I wish I could video tape some of the things that I have seen in this last week alone and send it to you. I wish I could record my exact feelings and gently place them in your heart so that you could truly feel them.
We met a woman that is less active and has three children and is pregnant with another. We knocked on her door and when she opened it and saw us she said, "Well that was fast.." I asked her what was fast and she said, "I just said a prayer." and she broke down in tears. She let us in to her small apartment and scattered over the entire floor were broken pieces of cereal and trash. Crumbs and such covered the table and the counters. She explained to us that she was going to be evicted in a week. She doesn't have a job, her husband is bipolar and schizophrenic and there is a protective order in place so that he not visit them. He is homeless and the way he gets money is he steals from walmart and then takes things in to get an exchange for money back. She feels that he is just sick and that if he had medicine he could work and provide for the family. But he can't get medicine without a visit to a psychiatrist and he doesn't have money for that. The three children have been taken away before and she fears that they will be taken again. My companion and I offered to help. She let us. I cleaned the kitchen, my companion cleaned the front room. The woman seemed to not have enough energy but she picked up a few things. Hanging on her wall was the Young Women's theme. I cleaned out the food and cigarettes from the dishes and the sink, washed them, and swept the floor and thought the entire time of how my mother had taught me to clean the kitchen. She taught me to not be grossed out by wet food in dishes and to clean off the counters and then sweep. In that moment I thanked my God for my mother who taught me well and for the wonderful example she has always been to me of enduring and finding joy in even the toughest times. We finished cleaning her apartment and vacuumed and the feeling there was completely changed. Afterwards we sang her favorite hymn, "Abide With Me Tis Eventide" and shared a short scripture. She shared that her husband had abused her and that she was going to domestic violence classes. A specific invitation came to my mind by the Spirit. "My mother has been in a very similar situation as you. You have to come to church consistently. That is only way. Your family will be protected and strengthened. I know because of the example of my mother. I have never gone with out food or shelter and I know that God lives." This was my testimony that I bore to her. The Spirit was strong and she knew what she needed to do.
The difference here is clear to me. This woman's children NEED her to go to church and to be that example of faith. Mom, you go to church. You pray daily and all day. You delight in the scriptures. We have been protected and watched over in every trial. God is very much aware of our thoughts and actions, our trials and joys, our desires our dreams, our potential and our faith. He is consistent. He is patient. Be patient with yourself. If you have made mistakes, repent and let it go. When God forgives he also forgets. He expects us to forgive ourselves as well. Heaven is filled with those that have this in common, they are forgiven and they forgive.
I love you. I am grateful for you. I know that God lives. I know that we have the truth and I am grateful for the comfort and peace that it brings to me daily.
You are incredible.
Love, Hermana Alexandria Juliet Hopkins

March 24th 2014

This week in the Texas San Antonio Mission, deep in the heart of San Antonio, two young Sister Missionaries set off to ride the bus for the week in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love and boldness. Their successes were many and their regrets were few. They talked to everyone in sight and were guided each second by the Spirit of our Maker. They were timid for only a day and then triumphantly broke through their comfort zone to invite and commit and follow up and teach each day and then safely return home each night. They were protected in each hour by the love of their Savior and overcame obstacles of being lost and not having a map, sunburns, and missing the bus. All while carrying in their purses one small book and maintaining in their souls one firm testimony. What we preach is not ordinary. What we say is not complicated. What we know is all true. What we do is MISSIONARY WORK.
Basically I love every minute of riding the bus. We meet so many amazing people and we experience miracles. I sat down on the bus next to a girl on friday and she stared at me with big eyes and said, "This is awkward... I was just praying to God to send me a miracle." I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's only true church on earth today. I know that the Priesthood has been restored. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. How do I know? Because I have had experiences in prayer and fasting that I can not deny. I have seen God's love for me and it burns within my being. Heavenly Father loves me!
Yesterday I was complaining about how someone was not keeping commitments and how I didn't really want to go visit them. We said a prayer and during the prayer I realized that I needed to repent. I trust that God knows how to help His children to return to Him.
We helped an elderly lady fix her VCR and we turned on the Church's movie called "Our Heavenly Father's Plan" The music that played was so comforting. I love listening to old songs that have helped me feel the Spirit before. Like Michael Mcclean. (Do I know how to spell anymore? Of course not.) I am so excited for General Conference! I will be ready with questions written down and my journal open to record the promptings and impressions that I receive.
We are teaching a family right now that is excited to get baptized. They said they were online picking out CTR rings and wondered if they needed to buy the white jumpsuits?... ? Are they prepared or what! The mom is a member and is working and going to school and has 5 children. Her husband works all week as well. Her children Hanna and AJ and her husband all want to be baptized. They just have to come to church! Pray for them for sure, they are amazing.
I found out that Ruben taught Gospel Principles class last Sunday in Eagle Pass, how awesome is he! I don't worry about him, I know his faith is rooted. But I keep praying for him.
I also heard that Daniel gave a talk last Sunday and people were crying because it was so good and that he passed the Sacrament, I am SOOO happy! I just can't help but smile when I hear the wonderful things that are happening in these friends' lives. 

Well, here are some pictures of this week, I hope that you can feel of at least part of the pure joy that I am feeling here on my mission. I love you!!!!
Hermana Ally Hopkins

March 17th 2014

I love you, it's okay that you weren't able to write a lot. I may not write a lot today either as we have a lot to do today. We have to take the car in to the shop due to a little dent that happened with past missionaries (yes, this happened in eagle pass as well and we were on bikes that week) so I am sure you will be pleased to hear that we are going to be getting some good exercise this week on our bikes!! I also love to ride the bus because we meet so many people that way and teach too. So today we are going to be riding the bus.
This week we had Zone Meeting, interviews with the Mission President, and also exchanges. I got to spend the day with Sister Rowe for that day! She and I went to Orem High for a little bit together and we would eat together sometimes at lunch haha. She was Annalise's good friend in elementary so all of our lives are intertwined in such an awesome way. Sister Rowe is amazing and I love her so much. We had a great day and visited with some recent converts that day, Johnny (who Sister Call baptized when she was in this area) and Danny (the awesome man who got baptized the weekend I got to this area). We also ate some German food (probably the first and last time on my mission haha) at the Beal Family's home for dinner.
Sister Breakall got a root canal last Monday and got a temporary crown on Thursday. She was so funny and I laughed my head off seeing her try to smile with half of her face numb. Sometimes we like to make up songs as we drive down the street about the things and people that we see. The other day we saw a man who was pushing an ice cream cart (its like an ice cream truck but they have a little cart with bells on it that they push around everywhere) and he was selling mexican ice cream. We stopped and got some ice ream from him and she took a picture. It has been fun to experience the culture here with her.
Tonya decided that she didn't want to investigate the church anymore. She gave up on the stop smoking program and told us that she felt that church was too focused on Joseph Smith. I was sad because we had worked so hard to help her. I was reminded of the importance of the Savior in our lives and His Atonement. I was reflecting on my past yesterday and remembered just how grateful I am for the Atonement. I remembered how Christ has helped me before and it helped me to remember how He can help those around me. We visited a less active member after that and she feels that her parents were very closed with her growing up and that she doesn't have to go to church to be a good person. The scripture on 2 Nephi 26:24-25 came to mind. I know that the Savior wants us to partake of his sacrifice for us. When we choose not to by choosing not to repent we are denying the blessings that he is offering us. I always think of how it is like He has paid for a really expensive meal for us and we are choosing not to eat it. If I paid a lot for a meal for someone I would want them to eat it! He already paid for all of it! And we need what He offers us, even if we don't realize it. The feeling of being forgiven is the most liberating and peaceful and joyful feeling that I have ever felt in my entire life. I need to feel of His forgiveness and that joy and peace is something I crave.
My companion started talking to a man the other day that was sitting outside the gas station begging for money. He only wanted a quarter. I didn't have one and apologized but when we got back to the car after getting our receipt Sister Breakall grabbed a quarter and we went back to give it to him. We listened to him as he expressed his pain. He had been beaten up and had wounds on his face and his hand. He talked about not having strength and wanting to know what God wanted him to do. He wanted answers and truth. My companion is Christlike. She told him how much Heavenly Father loves him. We asked him if he had a place to stay and he said he did. We shared with him Ether 12:27 as people looked at us weird on the way into the gas station and we gave him a Book of Mormon. We invited him to church and he said he could come. He didn't show up at church but we prayed for him. I think we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle sometimes that we simply don't think about the opportunities that lay before us every single day to just listen or to simply say hello. Christ is our Savior and Redeemer from sin, sorrow, and guilt. He saves us from an awful shame and sadness that we will experience if we do not partake of his love and strive to become more like Him. I know that He loves us and desires so deeply that we come unto Him and find rest.
I love Him and strive to get to know Him better each day.
I hope that this email finds you well and I apologize again that it is so short. Truly amazing things happen every day and every week.
Hermana Hopkins