Monday, May 13, 2013


It's that time again! More updates from Hermana Hopkins! Don't forget to email her!

Sometimes I forget the things that I have learned and felt in the past. Sometimes when I get too focused I forget the meaning and significance of why I am doing what I am doing. On Sunday a man named Abel, who was our waiter one P-day at Chuy's (it's like a tex-mex CafeRio/Costa Vida kind of place), called us saying that he was on his way to our church to come to sacrament... WOW. He came and even stayed for Sunday School. He had been taking notes during Sacrament and shared during Sunday school. He was in awe and when he had to go he was at a loss for words. He told us that he knew he had to come back and that he wasn't sure what he was feeling but he had to come back. I knew it was the Spirit. He was all lit up and smiling. The speaker in Sacrament talked about Integrity and how "Integridad es Valor." Integrity is Courage. 

I would like to add Faith as well. Faith is Courage. 

Also this morning in my personal study I studied 4th Nephi and came across a verse that made me think... Where there is Love there is no contention. So, where there is contention there is a lack of love. When we find ourselves in a contentious situation with a loved one we need to take a step back and examine the situation. Is there contention? Am I showing love for this person? Are they showing love for me? ...I know that I don't want others to feel unloved by me, therefore I strive not to cause contention. We know that "Where Love is, there God is also."

Love, Courage, Integrity, Faith, what do all these things have in common? You can figure that one out for yourself, but for me I think of my Heavenly Father. I think of my Savior. Our perfect example, Jesus Christ, is the Master of all of those attributes. Being Christlike truly brings happiness.

I love you and I love my Savior. I have courage because I know that God is in charge. I will show Integrity by being diligent and doing my best each and every day. I exercise my Faith by continuing in hope and trust in Christ's Atonement.

Hermana Hopkins

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