Friday, July 26, 2013


Here's this past weeks email from Hermana Hopkins!

We get transfer calls on Sunday nights letting us know if we are training or not, moving areas or staying, or if we are going to the border. That call is to prepare us for the transfer meeting on Thursday. So I found out last night that I will be training another Sister and going to THE BORDER! At first I was sad because I am going to miss all the wonderful people that I have met... But I am excited to go to the border. It is basically "the coveted area" cause our mission has English and Spanish areas so all the Spanish called missionaries want to go down there. I am truly blessed. On Wednesday I will make my way down to the border of Mexico and Texas and meet my new companion and find out exactly what area I will be in haha. I will be missing the baptism of one of our investigators though :( His name is Jorge, he is so cool. It has been so cool to see the changes that he has been making in his life. He is the man on the left between us Sisters in the last picture that I have attached with us four standing awkwardly.

There is a picture there of Jonathon as well, the first real investigator who I got to teach. We went back to visit him and he hasn't been reading the Book of Mormon at all. I was sad to hear that. But it was great to see him again.

I hope you enjoy the photos :) I love and adore these people and I am excited to meet more and more wonderful people on the Border for the next 6 weeks or more!

Hermana Hopkins

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 15th

Here's this weeks update!!!

I don't really know how to help or what to say about all the things that you are having to go through right now... but one scripture popped in to my head. It's in Doctrine and Covenants when the Lord is speaking to Joseph Smith and says, "Thou art not yet as Job, thy friends do stand by thee." The fifth part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Enduring to the End. I am learning how to not only endure, but to ENJOY. We were sent here to earth to be happy and to learn. We knew what challenges we accepted and we agreed to those terms. The great thing about all of this is that Heavenly Father is in charge. He knows what is best and he will help us if we ask him and have faith. Part of faith is action. If we know something is right but we don't do it, how can we expect to be truly blessed?

What is prayer?

Prayer is the communication that we are privileged to have with our Heavenly Father. He has provided us a way that we may contact Him at anytime. He has sent us from home for only a short time, but we will return again. We will live this world with the same faith and the same knowledge that we have obtained in this life. We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. When we understand that relationship our prayers become more meaningful and more natural. When we pray we must pray with the intent to receive answers and do what those answers say to do. If not we are not submitted our will to God's and we need to humble ourselves. It takes a lot of humility to actually do what we mean when we say, "Okay Heavenly Father, I'm going to give up all my wants and dreams so that I can do what YOU want me to do." 

The more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know. That statement applies with Gospel principles, learning Spanish, Life principles, and pretty much everything else as well.

On Saturday I saw an investigator of the other missionaries in our ward get baptized. The man's name is Luis and I took plenty of pictures haha. I'm sure you can picture the smile that reached both of my ears as he was baptized and confirmed. This was the first baptism that I have been to here on the mission. I couldn't help but stare at the smile that Luis had on his face as he stood from the circle of priesthood holders who had confirmed him. He was so happy. 

We had Zone Conference two weeks ago where during lunch an Elder was looking for someone who could sing in the crowd of chatting missionaries... My companion pointed at me and said "Sister Hopkins can!" He had us walk over to the Mission President who then asked me to sing a song to start off the next meeting that would commence in 5 minutes.... Ha. I said yes. I sang "I Need Thee Every Hour" and afterwards everyone told me how great I did and how much they loved it. I felt really good and knew that the Lord wanted me to use my talent to bring the Spirit to the meeting. From that meeting everyone now knows that I sing haha. So from there my District leader asked me to sing at Luis's baptism an hour before it started just this last Saturday... and so I did. I sang "Baptism" in the Primary children's songbook in Spanish. The Bishop of my ward was there... and he told the Chorister of my ward and she asked me yesterday at church if I could sing in Sacrament next week... And so I said yes. Haha. So I will be singing in church on Sunday something in Spanish, memorized hopefully. It has been a privilege to be able to bear my testimony through singing. I think I will sing "I Stand All Amazed" but of course in Spanish it is "Asombro Me Da"

The Lord has shown me endless mercy. I can only try to be as merciful as He is. I am continually blessed. I am alive and safe. I am healthy and happy. I pray for the same for each and everyone of you. Sometimes random people come into my head and I think of how they are doing and say a prayer for them. For anyone that is reading this right now thinking, "I bet she doesn't even remember me or think of me," you are probably wrong. For anyone who is thinking "No one remembers or thinks of me," I KNOW that you are wrong. Our Heavenly Father continually watches over you and cares for you. He loves you with a love that is unconditional, perfect, merciful, and infinite. If He didn't love you He would not have sent you here. And if that sentence confuses you, read your scriptures, study about what your relationship is with your Heavenly Father and then PRAY. Talk with your Heavenly Father and then act in faith.

I apologize to those I didn't write back today, know that I love you all and will respond to your emails as soon as I can!

Con amor,

Hermena Hopkins

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 8th

It's time for more letters from Hermana Hopkins! It sounds like she's been busy.

We taught Jorge again, like three times this week actually. He wants his friend, who is a member of the church, to be there at his baptism... but she is out of town until the 2nd of August. So we have switched his baptismal date to the 3rd of August. He really is so awesome. I love being able to see the changes that he is making because he is understanding WHY it's important. He wears a nice white shirt and jeans to church every Sunday. This last week he came to church 15 minutes early to make sure he was there for the Sacrament. He understand that the Sacrament is the most important meeting of the week. He is happier, I can see it. I love that the Lord let's me see that. He has a smile on his face. He read all of 1 Nephi... that's right, up until Second Nephi, all within like 4 days. I was in wonder and awe haha. The church is true.

Andrea will still be baptized on the 20th of this month. She is the cutest. I love her and her family. Today we are going to teach her about the importance of Scripture study, Prayer, and Obedience.

We taught a man from Honduras two days ago named Norlan. He is like 22 yrs old. He plays soccer (just like most every latino young man that we meet) and works a lot. He told us that we he wakes up in the morning he wonders what his purpose is. We taught him about the Restoration and I got to tell him about the First Vision. I love telling the 1st Vision because I get to see their souls as I look them straight in the eyes and tell them what Joseph Smith saw. The reactions are usually pretty similar, sometimes people aren't really listening, some people don't believe it and think it's crazy, some say they believe it but it doesn't make a difference for them. But Norlan loved it. When I finished the 1st vision and paused to let the silence sink in he smiled and said "Wow... that's so cool..." He was in awe. I felt in that lesson that we will be baptized and be a strong member of the church one day. We invited him to be baptized and he said sure, he would just need to get work off haha. I try not to get too hopeful in these situations because I lot of people say "sure" to baptism and don't understand or care. But I have a feeling that he will be baptized soon. His faith is so strong. He trusts in the Lord and understands that everything happens for a reason. He said the closing prayer and asked if this all was true and for direction. I know he will find his answers if he listens.

I love the Lord's work. 

Hermana Hopkins

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1 2013

It's that time again! Here's another letter from Hermana Hopkins!

Aaaawww that is so sad! Hmmm, that reminds me of a member in our ward that last her baby a few weeks ago. That was really hard for her. We visited her and the Relief Society did too. 

Concerning the heat... haha it has been in the triple digits all week and it will only get higher as I have heard. I got heat exhaustion myself a couple of days ago, I just need to drink more water. It really is a blessing though how the work is never interrupted. I think that the Lord really puts a bubble around His missionaries of protection. I hear about bad stuff happening around us and to other people but we are always safe. The Lord takes perfect care of us. Especially when we are obedient.

I went on my first Companion Exchange on Friday. Basically my companion is a Sister Training Leader and so she needs to go with other companionships every once in awhile. When our companionship was a trio, Sis
Lund and I would just stay on the area. But now that there are just the two of us I have to go spend a day with another companionship when Sis Alfaro needs to help/evaluate other Sisters. It was honestly shocking for me to see other missionaries not doing exactly what they should. I am soooooooooooooooooo grateful for an obedient companion. We have seen miracles in the work because of our obedience. Other missionaries ask us how we do what they do... In my head I just think "EXACT OBEDIENCE". I strive to live the white handbook to a T. I know that obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles. And our investigators need miracles, so I am exactly obedient.

We are teaching Jorge, he will be baptized on the 20th of this month. He is a really chill guy who works a lot. He asked one of his friends in the ward yesterday if he would be willing to baptize him and of course he said yes. Jorge understands why it is so important to go to church every week. He knows that the Sacrament is where we renew our baptismal covenants and remember the Savior's sacrifice for us. We taught him at the church last night and just went over the Plan of Salvation since he has been taught before. He didn't say much and so the next lesson we are going to ask him some really inspired questions to get him to express his thoughts/concerns if he has any. 

We are also teaching Andrea. She is 9 and will also be baptized on the 20th. Her older brother will baptize her. How cool is that???? We are teaching her again tonight. She is sassy and cute, it makes me think of Victoria. 

I have decided that me two favorite kinds of people are young children and really old people. That's just a side note haha.

I Love being in a Spanish Area :)

I love speaking Spanish.

I love working hard.

I was thinking about all the members that have come out to lessons with us and how cool it would be if my family went out to lessons with the missionaries. If any of you aunts or uncles or cousins or anyone has gone out with the missionaries I would love to hear about your experiences! You can relate to just about anybody! So you should go with the missionaries too to help fellowship the investigators so that they can see a real life person with real life experiences doing their best to live the gospel. I promise that if you do that you will recognize the many blessings that you have and your days will be happier. I promise.

I know that this church is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that exact obedience brings miracles. I love love LOVE you all and think of you often.

Hermana Hopkins