Wednesday, November 27, 2013

November 18th 2013

Here's this weeks email (last weeks). Enjoy

Hey Mom! 

I love you! I am in San Antonio right now because Elder Golden of the Seventy is going to be speaking to our mission tomorrow. We came up last night because Sister Vankatwyk has a meeting today. So I am on an exchange with Sister Arche and Sister Richardson. It was a bit of a culture shock to drive in to San Antonio last night and see the big buildings and lights compared to the small town feel of Eagle Pass. 

Yesterday at church I sang with one of the Elders for the Spanish Branch and also with all the missionaries in the English Branch. Ramiro came to church again for the third time and he is going to be baptized on Sunday! Also Ruben came to church for the first time and talked about how he wants to change and how he prayed on his knees for the first time in his life this week. He is truly pregressing. He just has to let go of smoking. I told him I would stop biting my nails if he would stop smoking... I have kept my end of the bargain so far but it hasn't been easy! I catch myself with my fingers in my mouth at times but always think of him and how he has to stop! He may not be trying as hard as I am but I am learning how to stop a bad habit and also my nails look better! Haha :) 

Aroldo came to church as well. I realized just how much the area has flourished since Sis Vankatwyk has been here. I am nervous for when she goes home next week because she is a great missionary and has made a real difference in Eagle Pass. I hope I can keep it up after she is gone!

Sorry I couldn't write more... on this exchange since I'm not in Eagle Pass I can't even get mylaundry done today haha, I'll have to catch up later. But know that I love you!

Hna Hopkins

November 11 2013

Late update again, but here's the previous email.

This week has been a miracle! I love being a missionary! I love waking up and knowing that I am where my Heavenly Father wants me to be. I love repenting and becoming better everyday so that I can serve those around me better! Yesterday we went to go eat dinner at La Familia Flores y hablamos con Carlos, el hijo quien va salir para la mision en 9 dias. El pinto estas pinturas y me recordaron de tu! Mi mama! El tiene mucho talento, verdad??? 

Oh family and friends, how I love you. How I wish I could just help you see the blessings that God has given us all! If you remembered always the blessings that He has given us you would never have time to frown or be discouraged. Sometimes when I am sad I have to just say thank you to God instead of ask for help with everything because I have noticed that when I have an attitude of gratitude that I am happier! Yes, I still ask for help and strength, but giving thanks for what I already have and the miracles I have seen during the day helps me to change from sad to happy in an instant.

We have taught both Reuben and Ramiro every day this week. Reuben said the other day something wonderful that made me smile. He was talking about tithing and how God has given us so much that 10% is nothing! I was like, "Yeah! You are so right!" What we give God is truly nothing. We are simply returning what is already His. Ramiro can't read so we have been giving him short verses to study each day. He has come to church twice and has made some good friends at church. We want to involve the rest of his family though! 

We go on exchanges once a week because Hermana Vankatwyk is a Sister Training Leader (just like Hna Alfaro was) and so I get to be with a different Sister once a week. It's fun to teach together and continue to find those who are prepared. I am learning to have fun and not be a robot haha :) I still do all I can to be exactly obedient. I love the commandments :)

We are also teaching a couple named Eulalia and Aroldo. Aroldo came to church yesterday with his cousin, Frank, who is a member and Aroldo said he wants to come back and continue to learn. I love hearing that people want to keep learning. This man used to be a drunk and was very catholic but the Lord has been preparing him so that now he has the opportunity to change his life and receive the blessings of the gospel.

I love the Lord. I know that this is His Church. I know that He is the only way to eternal life. It is by His word and His way that we can return to live with God, not our own preferences or opinions. He is the way.

P.s. I know you don't know her but I just wanted to say that I love Hna Sanchez and will always have a place for her in my heart. I am grateful for the members here, Hna Arreola, Hna Sanchez, Hna Diaz Gonzalez, and countless others, that have helped me to feel loved. I hope I can help others feel that way too.

I love all of my companions and I love my leaders. I am excited to visit them and chat again someday :)

Hermana Hopkins

Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 2nd 2013

Super late update, but here we go!

 I havea new companion! SHe looks exactly like me! Haha, there are a
 lot of border patrol workers here and yesterday a man stopped us while
 we were walking down the street and told us how he knew we must be lds
 because we are two white girls and we stick out like a sore thumb
 haha. I laughed. I love the culture here and the people. I love
 speaking Spanish too. Most missionaries in this mission don't get to
 stay in Spanish areas for long but the Lord has showered blessings
 upon me, I'm not sure why or how this mercy was obtained but I have
 only been in Spanish areas and I have been truly blessed by it. My
 companion, who will be returning home after this last transfer as her
 mission ends, has been praying to come to the border and is finally
 here! I have been helping her with her spanish and have realized just
 how blessed I have been.

 This week we came across a family that has been taught by the
 missionaries off and on for YEARS. There are teaching records that we
 keep to keep track of what they have been taught and this family was
 taught over 7 years ago. They haven't been baptized yet because they
 just have the hardest time getting to church. We taught them all, the
 father, mother, 3 girls, and 3 boys, and even the fiance of one of the
 daughters together at their table this last week and commited them to
 come to church. The father prayed, to start the lesson, that they
 could come to church and be baptized. It was a miracle lesson and they
 are a miracle family. But... they did not come to church. We went over
 last night to see what happened and they said they were up till 4am!
 We are going to help them next Sunday to have everything prepared the
 night before and see if that helps, but I think when it comes right
 down to it we all have to realize that our choices and actions have
 eternal consequences. That is something I realized. Why is it so
 important to go to church? Why is that so important to God? WEll, if
 we can't make and keep commitments, how will we be in making and
 keeping covenants with God? We go to church for many reasons, but I
 think it has to come from within to actually get there. To realize
 that it is what God wants us to do and do it.

 Here are some great pictures for you!

 I love you all!

 Hna Ally Hopkins