Monday, February 25, 2013

Week Three!

Yay! Two updates in one day! Ally seems to be learning a lot in the MTC.

Don't forget to write her everyone!

Today we went to the temple and I was able to participate in a sealing for the first time. This was seriously one of the coolest experiences. The children that I was sealed for were from England, France, Wisconson, Missouri, and Australia. It was really cool to be there and feel the Spirit so strongly. The man that was the proxy for the father was the San Antonio Texas Mission President back in 1986 or so (no coincedence, I'm sure). We talked to him afterwards and he shared some awesome stuff with us there in the sealing room. I always love our temple trips because it is so calm and peaceful there. The days here at the MTC can be really stressful as there is so much to do and learn, but the Temple just makes it all so much more worth it.

I wish that you could see and feel all the wonderful things that I am learning and experiencing here. I have made so many good friends and have been learning more than I ever thought I could.

My companion and I have been struggling lately because we tend to both try and be in charge and take control of the study time that we have together. Being with someone 24/7 can be frustrating because I'm so used to being able to have my alone time. But it always works out because we both know that we have the same desires and purpose, and that is to "Invitar a las personas a venir a Cristo al ayudarlas que a reciban el Evangelio restuardo mediante la fe en Jesucristo y Su Expiacion, el arrepentimiento, el bautismo, recibe del don del Espiritu Santo, y el perseverar hasta el fin." I probably got some of that wrong since I just pulled that out of my memory, but basically it's the MTC purpose in Spanish.
Anyway, there are a ton of funny people here, Elder Clements is hilarious, he is from St George and he likes to rap. He told me about his dog, Daisy, and how much he loves her and misses her. I thought of my pet goldfish, Marvin. I wonder how he is doing and if fish can even think... if he could think I would hope that he remembers me.
I also got a letter from Elder Truman Blanchard today. Today may be the best day here yet, I was able to go to the temple, where jeans, get to know my district a little better, and now I have this letter from Truman. I am so grateful that I have good friends like him to look up to and learn from.
There are some really noisy Elders at the end of this table, they are making up a song about how the girls back home love them and about their letters... What wierdies haha.
Anyway, I love you and pray for you all and I hope that you remember how much our Heavenly Father loves you too.
Remember who you are and what you stand for!!
Hermana Ally Hopkins

Week Two!

Hey Everyone, sorry this is late. Our mom had some computer issues and I didn't get the letter until just now.

Anyways! Here's an update from Ally!

Well, this week was an adventure. My companion and I were have some difficulties bumping heads and stepping on toes (not literally of course). We are both pretty indepedent and we like to do things are own way. We aren't passive people, we are assertive and know what we want. We realized that our lessons weren't unified and that we just got frustrated during planning. So we talked to each other and addressed our concerns. We both want the lessons to go well and we both know that we need to let the Spirit be the teacher. We both needed to take a step back, let the Spirit guide, and then move forward with what ever we were prompted to do. So we have been praying for our companionship and for our investigator, Ricarda. We had another sister give us some advice that really helped. She said that when we plan we need to focus on three things... 1. What does the investigator need to KNOW? 2. What does the investigator need to FEEL? 3. What does the investigator need to DO? So first we find out what the investigator is srtuggling with and what knowledge or doctrine would help them the most. Then we figure out what they need to feel. Usually they need to feel the spirit and that God loves them. Then we figure out what they need to do to know for themselves, whether that is praying to know that the Book of Mormon is true, or simply reading a verse and telling us of their experience when we follow up with them agin. We have to focus it all onthe investigator, never ourselves. Our personal study time is for the investigator. Our language study time is for the investigator. Our companionship planning is for the investigator. We always need to have them in mind and let the Spirit guide us to what we need to do to help them the most. It has been very humbling to recognize that it's not about me anymore. It's not about my comfort, whether I can speak the language fluently or comfortably, whether I look good or not, whether I have had enough sleep or even eaten. I do those things and make decisions for them, to find out what they need to here, to be an instrument in the Lord's hands so that he can bless the lives of others through me. That's what a missionary is. We do not teach lessons, the spirit teaches people. I have really been enjoying my personal study time though, I have been studying more about Christ's sacrifice and also I have been re-reading the Book of Mormon. This isn't to develop a testimony, but to strengthen the testimony that I already have. A person can not expect to gain a testimony once they get in to the MTC. You have to have one first or else the rules and the schedule will break you. Or else you will be so frustrated and doubtful of all the things you are doing. Sometimes things can be frustrating, but I know that the rules are here to help and bless me so that I can help and bless others. I know that there is a reason for everything. God is so intelligent. His plan is divine. Terrificly infinite and detailed, but plainly simple and easy to understand if you have faith. If you don't have a testimony of the purpose of this life or who you are or where you are going then a mission is not for you. BUT, if you do happen to know who you are, or you have a desire to serve the Lord, or you want to help others have the same knowledge that you do, then GET READY TO WORK. This work of the Lord will go forward. He is building his army and we will not fail. We can not be stopped. We are here to serve a righteous cause. God will not be mocked and He will have His glory. I am so grateful to serve in this, His battle. I love the Lord, I know that he is my older brother and that he loves me. I know that God is my Heavenly Father and that when I listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost that he will lead me to what He would have me do. I know that my companion and I have grown closer because we both have the same goal in mind. And that is to come back completely and truly converted to the Gospel. To never go back to the ways of the natural man. To bring light and life to others who know not truth simply because they know not where to find it. To help others know that they can be with their families for eternity. To invite others to come unto Christ and feel of God's love. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
With Love,
Hermana Alexandria Juliet Hopkins

Monday, February 11, 2013

Her first email has arrived!

Hey everyone! We got an email from Ally today! It looks like she's been having a good time!

Querido Familia!!!
I only have a half hour to write you an email but I guess that's okay because boy are we busy here at the MTC! When I left you on the curb I was directed where to go and my bags were taken by an elder who is going to be serving in Germany. I was thoroughly impressed by the organization of the facility as they had tables set up and sisters helping at every station. They handed me my name tag, my key to my room, my card to get in to buildings and so forth and then they pointed me to the hall where I would receive a hostess to take me to my room. I was again pleasantly surprised to see Sister Chelsea Jensen, Elizabeth's best friend, there to greet me and show me the way! What a tender mercy! She was very excited to see me and asked me immediately if Elizabeth was there to drop me off with the rest of the family. I told her yes and she was so happy! It really was awesome to be able to see a familiar face so soon. Immediately after that we headed to my residence hall and on the way there I saw Sister Cheley Clark, my good friend who I worked with at Myler Disability who was entering the MTC the same day as me. I leaped for joy! Literally! We hugged and then Sister Jensen and I continued on to my residence. My room was the first door on the right just inside the doors on the first floor and I was already grateful that I wouldn't have to do any stair climbing to get to my room. Then we went to my classroom and Sister Jensen dropped me off there. I met my teacher Hermano Hopoate who only spoke to me in Spanish and I was a little surprised as I had no idea what to answer me when he asked me a question. Somehow I figured out that he had asked me what my name was and where I was from. I told him and then a sister led me to a computer in another room to do an orientation. I watched it and then went back to the room. That sister turned out to be my companion, Sister Montgomery! Sister Montgomery is from Kennewick, Washington and she is super funny. At first I was a little intimidated but soon started talking to her and realized that she and I have a lot of similarities. We also have some differences but thats a good thing! The rest of the elders and sisters in the room turned out to be my District, District D. We are in Branch 1, which is kinda like a stake, and the district is kinda like a ward. That day was kinda long haha, but it obviously has passed! And very quickly too! The time flies here in the MTC and I already have taught two lessons in Spanish with Hermana Montgomery and we have another lesson tonight. Our investigator is Ricarda. She only speaks spanish so we were very nervous to teach her the first time on friday because we had only learned little spanish by that time. We forgot to say an opening and closing prayer with her and there were a lot of silences as we tried to figure out what we were saying and also trying to figure out what she was saying too haha... Our next lesson was saturday and we had not expected to teach her again. We had walked in to class and there sat two new teachers and a note on the board saying that Ricarda was in the other room waiting for her second lesson... Oh gosh, we were freaking out! We hadn't planned our lesson, what to say, and how to say it in spanish! All we had learned at that point was how to pray and share our testimonies in spanish (and of course how to introduce ourselves). Hermano Hopoate had told us the day before that "Obedience brings blessings. But EXACT obedience brings miracles." So we decided to pray for a miracle. We had been being as close to exactly obedient as we could without being perfect and so we thought if we had faith and asked for a miracle that the Lord would provide since this was a righteous desire of our hearts. My dear family and friends, Heavenly Father loves us more than we can ever know. But I felt his love for Ricarda and myself so strongly as we taught her on Saturday. I shared an experience, not with words since I didn't know how to use my words, but with scripture. I shared this experience which has been very close to my heart and by doing so I felt the spirit so strongly in that room that I began to cry as I shared. I then turned to my companion when I was finished and she too was crying. We looked at Ricarda and asked her how she felt. She smiled and said that she felt good. She felt happy. And she felt that it was beautiful. I bore my testimony that I know that families are eternal and that our Father in Heaven loves us very much. I told her that I know that the commandments are blessings and that we communicate with God through prayer. Hermana Montgomery shared her testimony as well, then we sand "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" in spanish and closed with a prayer. Ricarda said that she did not know how to pray and we did not not know how to teach her that in spanish so that is what we are teaching her tonight. But after we left that room our hearts were enlarged and we had a glimpse of God's plan for His children. He is our Father and we are his children. He wants us to return to Him because he loves us just as I know my earthly parents love me. He has a plan for us to return to him but the only way for us to do that is to obey his commandments. I know that by exact obedience we can witness the miracles of His work and His glory. I am so incredibly grateful that I can be a tool in his hands so that I can see his miracles unfold and his plan of happiness truly bring joy to his children. I love you all and I know that if we ask in faith, with a righteous desire and as we do our part, that our Father in Heaven is just waiting to bless us and increase our faith and knowledge. I know that we lived with him before we came to this earth but we have all just forgotten that. We need to realize that our testimonies can grow from a belief to a remembrance to a knowledge that our Father loves us.
Keep the Faith, Hermana Hopkins 

 I'm amazed she was able to write so much in 30 minutes lol, but she looks like she's having a fantastic time.

Friday, February 8, 2013

And She's Off!

Hey all! This is Hermana Ally Hopkins's older sister, Buffy. I'm going to be running this blog for her. I'll be making updates when our family gets letters and whatnot. I'll post her current address in the side bar for those who want to send her letters.

If you have any questions feel free to comment here (I'll try to include them in my weekly letters) or to write her (I advise that one.)

She goes into the MTC tomorrow, February, 6th 2013, at 1:00pm.

I hope everyone keeps her in their prayers.

Good Luck Hermana Hopkins! May your mission be a joyful success!