Monday, April 22, 2013

The Mediator

Here's the weekly update!

 I have been learning many things about service and about the Atonement. I translated this from the Gospel Principles book to Spanish and I say it sometimes to help explain the Atonement to investigators sometimes. 

Say you have a debt of $1 million. You borrowed this money to get something that you really couldn't afford at the time and probably didn't really need either. The person who loaned you this debt is now at your front door demanding that the debt be paid in full immediately. You don't have the funds to pay this debt and you have no time or resources to come up with the money. Your house and your family could be taken away to make up for your lack of preparation and self-sufficiency. What would you do?

With a Mediator, someone who has the funds to pay this debt for you, you can be freed of all of this stress and worry. You will instead be indebted to Him. He pays your debt and fulfills the demands of both mercy and justice. You can never repay Him in full, but through your deeds, your service, and your righteousness, you can show Him that you are sincere and grateful. This is like the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He has paid the debt already. There are so many ways to show our gratitude and our love, one of these is by being diligent. I am striving to be a more diligent missionary. I strive everyday to act and do what the Savior would do. 

The other day we talked to a man in our apartment parking lot and he said that he had seen us before... We asked where and he told us that a lot of people notice us because we back each other out every morning from our parking spot. Hahahahaha I got a good laugh out of this. It's a mission rule to have someone back the driver out and we get a lot of attention for it. It really made me realize just how much people notice about us! We are different! And we should be! It has really made me focus on always being a good example. I challenge you all to be your best at ALL times. Not just when others can see you. After you look right and left so see if anyone is watching, look up and remember that our Heavenly Father sees everything.

I love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! Keep learning all that you can! 

We also had interviews with the Mission President this week, it was cool! He said that I will probably be training other Sisters soon so I will need to be prepared for that... Oh boy! He also said that my Spanish is really good and I pronounce things perfectly. He said because of this I am going to be very easy to understand as I continue to work on remembering words and conjugations. Awesome!

Hermana Hopkins

Don't forget, Hermana Hopkins loves getting emails and letters! Make sure to write her if you haven't!

Monday, April 15, 2013

More letters!

We didn't get a letter last week.... And If we did, I didn't get it. So I'll just post this one ^.^

Hello family, 

I don't keep track of how many Book of Mormons that we give out to be honest haha... But we do keep track of pretty much everything else. For example, on Friday we talked to 15 people about the gospel during the day, visited 1 less active member, taught 3 other lessons (1 with a member of the ward with us), and got 4 new investigators. We met and taught Guadalupe, a woman who lives in our same apartment complex that was actually a referral from the English speaking Elders. We taught her the first lesson and invited her to be baptized. She is from El Salvador and seems really awesome, she loves her kids. Yesterday we were knocking on doors and came across a home where we met Gloria and Alejandra. They let us in and we taught them the first lesson. Since I have memorized the first vision in Spanish I get to say it a lot. It is really cool to look the investigators in the eyes as I tell them in their own language what Joseph saw. You can really tell whether they are ready to accept the gospel or not by their eyes during this. When it was time to close with a prayer we asked Gloria to say the prayer and taught her how to pray. She started to pray and prayed for her children. She started to cry as she prayed that she could let go of the negative feelings she has for their father. She ended the prayer and the Spirit was so strong. I felt such a great love for her and her children. We are going back to teach them again on Wednesday. Oh another miracle happened yesterday, we went to an investigators home to teach them but they weren't there, instead her friend and his two sons were there... So we taught them! Haha, the Lord is so incredibly intelligent. His plan is so beautiful. We got to know Juaqin and his two sons, Juaqin Jr. and Jesus, and the Spirit was again so strong. I felt a calm peace that I hadn't really felt before when teaching. It was cool to be able to talk to him because he had questions before we even taught that all could be answered with the message that we had to share. It's so cool to meet people who the Lord has prepared and placed in our way for us to help. So many miracles happen everyday, I wish I could tell you all of them. I hope you can feel and recognize the blessings from this perfect Gospel.

I love you all. The Church is true. It's that simple. My heart is full and I joy in this work. Go to the temple. Make time for the Lord. He is waiting to bless you. Have faith.