Monday, July 21, 2014

June 16th 2014

 can see how blessings directly coordinate with obedience. If you want more peace in your life, keep the Sabbath Day Holy. If you want more faith, study the Scriptures, don't just read them. If you want more comfort, pray with sincerity and be alert while you do so.

This week was amazing!

-Wes committed to be baptized a week earlier and Mary got a Priesthood blessing before church yesterday. They are just stellar! Wes asked great questions during Sunday School and when we went over last night he expressed his desire to be clean and have the Holy Ghost.

-We started to teach a woman named Stella who committed to be baptized on the 5th of July and came to church as well! She is in her 60s and is doing great study of the pamphlets that we have given her.

-We also started to teach a man named Derek who committed to being baptized on the 12th of July and desires more than anything to be forgiven and cleansed. He is in rehabilitation right now as he had a stroke. He is diabetic and his family lives in Georgia.

-Robert and Dina came to church yesterday as well! I was so happy to see them there! We met them at the pool the other day for a lesson but it seems that Robert always is hungry or tired when we come. Of course he is only 9 haha. Dina wants to wait another month for him to be baptized until she can get organized in life and spiritually so he may be baptized the end of July instead of June.

Something that all of these people have in common is that they were all referrals. We didn't find any of them on our own.

Now lets take a look at those who we have found on our own.

-Ramiro has read all the way to Alma 34! And also some of the talks from General Conference! He loves it, but he still hasn't prayed to know for himself.

-The Martinez family loved the Family Proclamation but the father couldn't accept that the authority was taken from the earth. Both of these people love having us over but fail to see that there was an Apostasy.
We have spent a lot of time walking around and knocking on doors to try and find people to teach. The ward is still kinda split even though we have combined together.

Our mission has been focusing lately on finding and teaching Fathers. That's definitely a challenge! But I know that as we raise our vision and direct our focus on Fathers that we will find along with them their families and strong future members of the church who will be active in their callings. I am grateful forever for the Priesthood and those who worthily exercise it. 
Here is a picture of Wes and Mary from my companion's camera! I love them so dearly :)

Hermana Hopkins loves you!!!

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