Monday, April 14, 2014

March 31st 2014

There is a wonderful recent convert here that has so much faith! Here is an example of how he prays, "Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you in the holiest name to strengthen us. We glorify you and praise you! You are who provides for us and heals us! We ask you to bless the people who are in pain or in suffering to be lifted up in your glory and love. And we say these things in the most powerful name, Jesus Christ, Amen." When he prays he means every word! I thought of how we need to glorify God more. Johnny sells fruit and vegetables to restaurants all over San Antonio and he is a blessing to us as he gives us fruit and veggies for free. Strawberries, bananas, oranges, apples, grapefruit, limes, lemons, avocado, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, all of which we are very grateful for. I have been eating grapefruit with salt on it almost every day. It's delicious! My last companion used to cook eggs and peppers for breakfast, it always smelt so good! I also really like cucumbers cut up with salt and chile on them, its a Mexican thing but it tastes delightful! Be creative! I know you are! It has helped me so much to have all these fruits and veggies because I feel better about my food choices which lifts my self esteem and I feel clarity of mind because of the good food that helps me physically. I didn't realize how yummy it all was and how good it feels!
One of the books we have out here is called, "adjusting to missionary life" and it helps us to be healthy with all the stress we have. One part explains why it is so important to do Cardio exercise daily. It says that the more we exercise consistently the more we will see that our body needs less sleep. I was amazed! The better exercise I get the less sleep I will need?! AWESOME! Because I love to sleep but I just simply do not have time to be taking naps all the time. Run for 30 minutes, do lots of jumping jacks, get your body moving and when you feel tired and like quitting, DON'T. Push through and tell yourself, only 5 more! And then after those 5 more just tell yourself again, only 3 more! You will see that you can do a lot more than you think you can.
Also, for me to wake up I have figured out a strategy! I put the alarm clock in the bathroom. It is loud and annoying! When it goes off I go in the bathroom and turn it off and go to the bathroom since I always have to do so when I wake up. Then I come back in my room and immediately make my bed and then kneel down to pray. I tell my Heavenly Father of the plans of the day and the goals I am working on. I pray for strength to overcome weakness. Then I get up and start that exercise! I don't even change! I just go into the front room and start jumping jacks or stretching! And it totally works! When I only have the phone alarm go off in the bedroom I fall back to sleep. Try it! I know it has really helped me to put the alarm clock in the bathroom where it echoes loudly and just gets louder and faster beeping.

Are you studying your Book of Mormon daily? Are you attending church each week? Are your prayers each day sincere? These three things are the simplest and easiest things to stop doing but are what give us the GREATEST STRENGTH. Did you watch the women's conference on Saturday? It gave me such strength to push forward! We are DAUGHTERS of a LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER. He wants to see us succeed and be happy! My companion said the other week, "When we put ourselves down or hold on to guilt we are doing Satan's job for him." Let it go, Mom! That's Satan trying to hold you back and keep you down. The Savior suffered for you personally. He knows your weaknesses perfectly and has so much mercy and patience for you. He also knows your potential and exactly HOW you can and will reach it.
Now, after reading this you are probably going to think in your head, "That's great Ally, but I just can't seem to get up. I am sick! I am tired. I just don't feel like I have the strength."
I wish I could video tape some of the things that I have seen in this last week alone and send it to you. I wish I could record my exact feelings and gently place them in your heart so that you could truly feel them.
We met a woman that is less active and has three children and is pregnant with another. We knocked on her door and when she opened it and saw us she said, "Well that was fast.." I asked her what was fast and she said, "I just said a prayer." and she broke down in tears. She let us in to her small apartment and scattered over the entire floor were broken pieces of cereal and trash. Crumbs and such covered the table and the counters. She explained to us that she was going to be evicted in a week. She doesn't have a job, her husband is bipolar and schizophrenic and there is a protective order in place so that he not visit them. He is homeless and the way he gets money is he steals from walmart and then takes things in to get an exchange for money back. She feels that he is just sick and that if he had medicine he could work and provide for the family. But he can't get medicine without a visit to a psychiatrist and he doesn't have money for that. The three children have been taken away before and she fears that they will be taken again. My companion and I offered to help. She let us. I cleaned the kitchen, my companion cleaned the front room. The woman seemed to not have enough energy but she picked up a few things. Hanging on her wall was the Young Women's theme. I cleaned out the food and cigarettes from the dishes and the sink, washed them, and swept the floor and thought the entire time of how my mother had taught me to clean the kitchen. She taught me to not be grossed out by wet food in dishes and to clean off the counters and then sweep. In that moment I thanked my God for my mother who taught me well and for the wonderful example she has always been to me of enduring and finding joy in even the toughest times. We finished cleaning her apartment and vacuumed and the feeling there was completely changed. Afterwards we sang her favorite hymn, "Abide With Me Tis Eventide" and shared a short scripture. She shared that her husband had abused her and that she was going to domestic violence classes. A specific invitation came to my mind by the Spirit. "My mother has been in a very similar situation as you. You have to come to church consistently. That is only way. Your family will be protected and strengthened. I know because of the example of my mother. I have never gone with out food or shelter and I know that God lives." This was my testimony that I bore to her. The Spirit was strong and she knew what she needed to do.
The difference here is clear to me. This woman's children NEED her to go to church and to be that example of faith. Mom, you go to church. You pray daily and all day. You delight in the scriptures. We have been protected and watched over in every trial. God is very much aware of our thoughts and actions, our trials and joys, our desires our dreams, our potential and our faith. He is consistent. He is patient. Be patient with yourself. If you have made mistakes, repent and let it go. When God forgives he also forgets. He expects us to forgive ourselves as well. Heaven is filled with those that have this in common, they are forgiven and they forgive.
I love you. I am grateful for you. I know that God lives. I know that we have the truth and I am grateful for the comfort and peace that it brings to me daily.
You are incredible.
Love, Hermana Alexandria Juliet Hopkins

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