Monday, April 14, 2014

March 24th 2014

This week in the Texas San Antonio Mission, deep in the heart of San Antonio, two young Sister Missionaries set off to ride the bus for the week in order to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with love and boldness. Their successes were many and their regrets were few. They talked to everyone in sight and were guided each second by the Spirit of our Maker. They were timid for only a day and then triumphantly broke through their comfort zone to invite and commit and follow up and teach each day and then safely return home each night. They were protected in each hour by the love of their Savior and overcame obstacles of being lost and not having a map, sunburns, and missing the bus. All while carrying in their purses one small book and maintaining in their souls one firm testimony. What we preach is not ordinary. What we say is not complicated. What we know is all true. What we do is MISSIONARY WORK.
Basically I love every minute of riding the bus. We meet so many amazing people and we experience miracles. I sat down on the bus next to a girl on friday and she stared at me with big eyes and said, "This is awkward... I was just praying to God to send me a miracle." I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's only true church on earth today. I know that the Priesthood has been restored. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. How do I know? Because I have had experiences in prayer and fasting that I can not deny. I have seen God's love for me and it burns within my being. Heavenly Father loves me!
Yesterday I was complaining about how someone was not keeping commitments and how I didn't really want to go visit them. We said a prayer and during the prayer I realized that I needed to repent. I trust that God knows how to help His children to return to Him.
We helped an elderly lady fix her VCR and we turned on the Church's movie called "Our Heavenly Father's Plan" The music that played was so comforting. I love listening to old songs that have helped me feel the Spirit before. Like Michael Mcclean. (Do I know how to spell anymore? Of course not.) I am so excited for General Conference! I will be ready with questions written down and my journal open to record the promptings and impressions that I receive.
We are teaching a family right now that is excited to get baptized. They said they were online picking out CTR rings and wondered if they needed to buy the white jumpsuits?... ? Are they prepared or what! The mom is a member and is working and going to school and has 5 children. Her husband works all week as well. Her children Hanna and AJ and her husband all want to be baptized. They just have to come to church! Pray for them for sure, they are amazing.
I found out that Ruben taught Gospel Principles class last Sunday in Eagle Pass, how awesome is he! I don't worry about him, I know his faith is rooted. But I keep praying for him.
I also heard that Daniel gave a talk last Sunday and people were crying because it was so good and that he passed the Sacrament, I am SOOO happy! I just can't help but smile when I hear the wonderful things that are happening in these friends' lives. 

Well, here are some pictures of this week, I hope that you can feel of at least part of the pure joy that I am feeling here on my mission. I love you!!!!
Hermana Ally Hopkins

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