Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 6th 2014

Haha with the dog we just saw him and he came right up to us and I loved him and he loved me and it was love at first sight basically haha. I have a lot of those experiences but they all happen to be with people's pets or small toddlers hahaha.
Yesterday I shared my testimony in the English ward and the words flowed so well that I knew it was the Spirit for sure. I remember saying this, "I know who I am and I know who you are. We are children of a Heavenly Father." I know that as we share our testimonies that they are strengthened. I want to share with you my testimony that I do know that I am a child of Heavenly Father. I know that we are all His children and that we should treat one another that way. When we fail to treat others as children of God it is because we do not completely understand who we are and who they are.
We received transfer calls yesterday and I will be transferred this week. That was fast! I was only here in Pleasanton for 6 weeks! I will also become a Sister Training Leader. If you are not familiar with what that is I will explain. This leadership position began when I was serving in Austin and the Mission President called a few sisters to be Sister Training Leaders to go on exchanges with other sisters to help and advise and serve them in their areas. My companion, Sister Alfaro was a "STL" and would spend one day each week with a different companionship or one of those sisters would come to our area and we would do a little companion swap for a day. So that's really cool that I get to serve the other sisters now as well! 
Yesterday we taught a man that we met last week. Now this is kinda funny because of the similarities with other experiences that I have had on the mission. Remember Ramiro who got baptized in Eagle Pass? Remember that I met him because we saw him on his porch and decided to go talk to him? Well, last week we were looking for a former investigator (just like we were doing that day in Eagle Pass) and we drove past a house where a man was standing on his porch. I felt that we needed to go back. We continued down the street to find that the address which we were looking for didn't exist and I knew exactly what we needed to do next. I turned the truck around and parked next to the house where the man had previously stood on his porch. We knocked on the door and he came out. We talked to him, his name is Ramiro as well, and when I shared my testimony that I knew that this is the only true church on earth he said, "I like that you said that. I want to come to your church." That response is pretty rare. We set up a return appointment with him for a few days later but he didn't answer the texts or the calls and didn't come to church so we figured we would stop by another day. Yesterday we made plans to go teach him and we pulled up to his house and before we even turned off the car he was coming to see who we were. "Its the Sister Missionaries!" I said (it was dark and I know that there are some sketchy people in that area and he had commented before that they had to be careful with whoever came up to their house so I didn't want him to think we were scary people). He said "Oh!" And came to the window of the car. We taught him right then and there without even getting out of the truck. He talked about how he was just thinking about us and if we would ever come back. He said that he wanted to come to church on Sunday and that he wasn't doing anything that morning and didn't have a car and his mom wouldn't take him so he felt hopeless. He went inside for a second and returned with the King James version of the Bible and talked about his desire to be baptized but he went to other churches and didn't feel they were right. He talked about his desire to be married to his girlfriend before having children and how his dad has helped him to understand the commandments and that he used to do bad things but wants to be completely changed. We gave him a Book of Mormon and marked a scripture for him to read and set up another return appointment. He said he would read right when he got into the house again.
How interesting that we found him the same way that we found the other Ramiro and that they just happen to have the same name!
I know that this church is the only true church on the planet and that God lives! I am happy and grateful that I enjoy the blessings ofliving the gospel!
Feel free to share this with your ward or our old ward or your friends or my cousins or whoever. Tell them all that I love the Gospel and am not ashamed of it! Tell them how much YOU love it too! I am excited for my new area and will let you know where I'm at next week. I love you!
Hermana Hopkins

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