Monday, December 23, 2013

December 9th 2013

Late updates from Hermana Hopkins!

This week has been good, but rough. I have really been missing the people in Eagle Pass. Ruben will be baptized soon by his brother who is coming in town. Ramiro keeps going to church from what I heard. A young girl named Andrea we were teaching in Austin a while back got baptized and I got to talk to her on the phone, that was awesome. I don't get to see a lot of the baptisms that happen... Heavenly seems to move me just before it happens. There are a lot of missionaries that have a lot of baptisms, but maybe that's just cause they are who those people need to help them step into the waters of baptism. Maybe it's cause I would get prideful if I had a lot of baptisms. I don't know. But I know that I'm getting a little lazy. I don't like to admit it but it is true. One excommunicated member told me to find the truth and let her know when I found it. She told us that we should just teach the doctrine like good little missionaries should because of a bad experience she had with a missionary in the past and then continued by asking me my opinion...??? Are you kidding me? People forget that we are people too! I wanted to just close her mouth and open her ears and her eyes. It's so simple! We have to LIVE the Gospel. Read, pray, go to church. Those things are so easy to do but so easy NOT to do so that is where Satan snares so many. He is a meany head I decided. That sister is reading but not to find truth. She is praying, but not to know the will of God. And she does not go to church. Please never never never never never stop going to church. It is an outward expression to God that we love Him. That is how we show Him that we care. By keeping the commandments and living the Gospel. How interesting is it that it happens to bless us on the way! Don't believe me? Try it. That is how I feel about all these people that say they will come to church but don't. Or those that say they pray and know they are saved but reject us or the invitation to learn more. It frustrating. But that is the life of a missionary. Also the member we are living with wants us to move out. Baah. I wonder if all of this is happening because of something I have done or not done. All I know is that I'm not a perfect. Just because I'm a missionary, just because I'm a Mormon, just because I try to be like Christ, doesn't mean that I don't have faults or get frustrated or get sad. I know that this Church is true and that Christ lives! I know that the Book of Mormon is true! I'm sorry that this is more like a journal entry, but maybe it will help yall to understand how I really am feeling right now haha. I truly do love being a missionary and I love this work, I just get frustrated sometimes.
I love you all! I hope you are happy and finding joy in the journey!
Ally Hopkins (the frustrated yet faithful Sister Missionary)

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