Friday, August 23, 2013


Here's this past weeks update from Hermana Hopkins!

This week has been another week of pure miracles. Jorge, our investigator in my last area in Austin, was baptized and confirmed this last weekend. I am sad that I missed it but Sis Alfaro will be sending me pictures that I will send to you when I receive them.
We received a referral from the Elders of a man named Joey. We went to his house and parked the car across the street. I saw a little boy in the yard of the house we parked in front of and he saw me. He looked at us confused, wondering who we were and why we had just parked in front of his house. We said our prayer that we always say before we leave the car and when we opened our eyes the boy had gone to get his mother. His mom was stainding on the porch looking at us, trying to figure out who we were. We got out and said hello and we joined her on her porch. She invited us to sit down and we taught her about the Restoration... We invited her to baptism and she accepted. Her name is Mercedes and she expressed to us that she has been asking God where He wants her to go and what He wants her to do. She said she knew that we were sent from Him.
The next day we returned to the house of a woman who we had met a few days earlier who had invited us in when we knocked on her door. Her name is Lety. We brought a member, Sis Olivares, and when we got there we found out that they actually work together. That was definitely not a coincidence. We taught Lety the Restoration and invited her and she too accepted to be baptized on September 7th. She said that when we walked up to her door the first day she knew that she had to let us in. She wants to share this with her family and she is so excited to have us back. She also had gone to the store and bought us each a small rose bush, she is so sweet.
That night we went over to Sarah's house again. We taught her and her sister, Bianca, and her mom, Sylvia, th message of the Restoration. We invited them to baptism as well. They accepted. All but Sylvia anyway, she believes firmly in the Virgin Mary. But she still likes to sit in on the lessons. Lest night we returned and taught Bianca and Sarah again, this time about the Plan of Salvation. They both said that they prayed about what we had said the time before and that they are still waiting to receive their answers, but that they really are praying about it. I love to hear when people are praying about what we have taught because it is a sign of true desire to know. Also it shows me that they have faith in their Heavenly Father and in prayer.
I know that this week will be filled with miracles as well. Our schedule is already full of lessons back to back for today, tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. We sometimes forget to add in time to eat! I love the Lord's work and I know I am privelegded to be here serving our Heavenly Father's children and learning so much.
Thank you for your prayers, I can feel the power and the Spirit that comes from so many praying for me. I know that this Church is true and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I know that Repentance is real and it works. I know that our Savior lived, suffered, died, and lives again, all for US. I know that families can be together forever. I know that Thomas S Monson is the Prophet today and that the Priesthood really is God's power and authority and that we have it here on the earth today.
Stay true, stay faithful.
Hermana Hopkins

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