Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 15th

Here's this weeks update!!!

I don't really know how to help or what to say about all the things that you are having to go through right now... but one scripture popped in to my head. It's in Doctrine and Covenants when the Lord is speaking to Joseph Smith and says, "Thou art not yet as Job, thy friends do stand by thee." The fifth part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is Enduring to the End. I am learning how to not only endure, but to ENJOY. We were sent here to earth to be happy and to learn. We knew what challenges we accepted and we agreed to those terms. The great thing about all of this is that Heavenly Father is in charge. He knows what is best and he will help us if we ask him and have faith. Part of faith is action. If we know something is right but we don't do it, how can we expect to be truly blessed?

What is prayer?

Prayer is the communication that we are privileged to have with our Heavenly Father. He has provided us a way that we may contact Him at anytime. He has sent us from home for only a short time, but we will return again. We will live this world with the same faith and the same knowledge that we have obtained in this life. We are all children of a loving Heavenly Father. When we understand that relationship our prayers become more meaningful and more natural. When we pray we must pray with the intent to receive answers and do what those answers say to do. If not we are not submitted our will to God's and we need to humble ourselves. It takes a lot of humility to actually do what we mean when we say, "Okay Heavenly Father, I'm going to give up all my wants and dreams so that I can do what YOU want me to do." 

The more I learn the more I realize how much I don't know. That statement applies with Gospel principles, learning Spanish, Life principles, and pretty much everything else as well.

On Saturday I saw an investigator of the other missionaries in our ward get baptized. The man's name is Luis and I took plenty of pictures haha. I'm sure you can picture the smile that reached both of my ears as he was baptized and confirmed. This was the first baptism that I have been to here on the mission. I couldn't help but stare at the smile that Luis had on his face as he stood from the circle of priesthood holders who had confirmed him. He was so happy. 

We had Zone Conference two weeks ago where during lunch an Elder was looking for someone who could sing in the crowd of chatting missionaries... My companion pointed at me and said "Sister Hopkins can!" He had us walk over to the Mission President who then asked me to sing a song to start off the next meeting that would commence in 5 minutes.... Ha. I said yes. I sang "I Need Thee Every Hour" and afterwards everyone told me how great I did and how much they loved it. I felt really good and knew that the Lord wanted me to use my talent to bring the Spirit to the meeting. From that meeting everyone now knows that I sing haha. So from there my District leader asked me to sing at Luis's baptism an hour before it started just this last Saturday... and so I did. I sang "Baptism" in the Primary children's songbook in Spanish. The Bishop of my ward was there... and he told the Chorister of my ward and she asked me yesterday at church if I could sing in Sacrament next week... And so I said yes. Haha. So I will be singing in church on Sunday something in Spanish, memorized hopefully. It has been a privilege to be able to bear my testimony through singing. I think I will sing "I Stand All Amazed" but of course in Spanish it is "Asombro Me Da"

The Lord has shown me endless mercy. I can only try to be as merciful as He is. I am continually blessed. I am alive and safe. I am healthy and happy. I pray for the same for each and everyone of you. Sometimes random people come into my head and I think of how they are doing and say a prayer for them. For anyone that is reading this right now thinking, "I bet she doesn't even remember me or think of me," you are probably wrong. For anyone who is thinking "No one remembers or thinks of me," I KNOW that you are wrong. Our Heavenly Father continually watches over you and cares for you. He loves you with a love that is unconditional, perfect, merciful, and infinite. If He didn't love you He would not have sent you here. And if that sentence confuses you, read your scriptures, study about what your relationship is with your Heavenly Father and then PRAY. Talk with your Heavenly Father and then act in faith.

I apologize to those I didn't write back today, know that I love you all and will respond to your emails as soon as I can!

Con amor,

Hermena Hopkins

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