Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 10th 2014

Late updates from Hermana Hopkins, and a few pictures too!

I am so grateful to the people who have been so giving and loving to help me with the mission expenses. Please let them know how wonderful they are. And wow! Bishop Harding, huh? Oh man, I love him so much, I am so grateful for faithful home-teachers! Him and Brother Greenhaulgh surely magnified their callings! They mean the world to me.

 I'm sorry that you are still sick! I am actually sick too, I have the cold and boy has it been an adventure! I feel like my body and my spirit are somehow disconnected. You know how on Peter Pan he has to sew his shadow back on? That's how I feel my spirit is right now, it's torn at some of the seems haha. I say that because I feel like my body wants to stop but my spirit just won't quit! I got a blessing from the Zone Leaders and I think that blessing has really kicked my Spirit into gear and has been dragging my body along haha. It's kind of an out of body experience haha.

Three days ago we went over to Tonya's house and started the "15 Step Stop Smoking" program. She has such a desire to stop smoking. She knows its bad for her and for her baby. She is such a trooper. The next day we felt like we should go visit her. We stopped by and we saw her sitting outside her door with a cigarette in her fingers. I knelt down as I had not been feeling good that day and looked up at her and said, "When did this start?" "About two hours ago," she said. I immediately thought of the CD that I had put into my scripture case earlier in the day and said, "I've got a really awesome song that we should listen to." We went inside and turned it on. It's one of my favorites, I used to listen to it before I went to bed at night when I was living on my own on youtube because it helped me to have peace. It's by the BYU mens choir and its called, "I Love the Lord." I actually listened to it in the MTC too whenever I could because it holds such a special place in my heart. It goes along with 2 Nephi 4 when Nephi is frustrated with himself. We read it with her as well. We told her how much love our Heavenly Father has for her and how proud we were of her for how far she had made it! She needed to pick herself back up and start again! Then all of a sudden we heard a woman outside yelling. We went out to see what was going on and the woman only spoke Spanish. Tonya asked her what was wrong and she said that her heart was beating really fast. I went up to her and asked her what happened. She said that she took some medicine for her throat and that her heart started to beat really fast. She wanted us to call the ambulance. We called them and sat her down in Tonya's living room. She said that she had two kids upstairs in her apartment. Tonya went and got them and we sat with her. The EMTs came and they asked her what happened. They couldn't understand her and so I translated for them. I was confused because they spoke Spanish and I thought they should have understood what she was saying but apparently her accent was hard for them to understand because she was from Puerto Rico. So I translated for them. What a crazy experience! Turns out that she was fine and that she didn't have insurance so she didn't want the ambulance to come. The EMTs thanked me for my help and left and the woman's father got home and took her back upstairs. As I reflected on this afterwards I thought of the attention that our nametags got. Not only did the neighbors and Tonya and the woman get to see what representatives of our church and of the Lord would do but also the 6 EMTs as well. I'm sure that planted the seed for quite a few people. We finished up our lesson with Tonya and she seemed to have more hope to keep going.

Want to know the best part??? TONYA FINALLY CAME TO CHURCH. The missionaries had been working with her for awhile and she just has been really struggling when it comes to Sunday mornings. But she came! She came! She came!!! I am so happy. I know that the Savior loves EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. He knows the struggles we face. He can and will help us if we let him.
I Love the Lord.
Hermana Hopkins

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