Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Pass of Eagles... Still here in Eagle Pass!

Here's this past weeks update from Hermana Hopkins!!

So transfer calls were yesterday and I'll be staying in Eagle Pass for another six weeks at least! Sister Salisbury is heading out though! I am going to be a junior companion and my new companion will be a Sister Training Leader again! Sis Alfaro was a Sister Training Leader too. I am excited to be a junior companion haha, Sis Salisbury questions me a lot and I don't like feeling like I have to stand up for my ideas all the time so it will be nice to just be able to support a senior companions ideas and learn from her. I'll find out who she is when she gets here on Wednesday! I thought I would like being a senior companion better but it is a lot of pressure, the newer missionary is watching everything that you do... I think its a psychological thing... By the way, I don't think I'll be continuing that as my major when I return. I don't know what I will do, but I don't think I want to do that anymore haha. 

So I still speak Spanish everyday, so fun! There are so many different accents though, a woman spoke in church yesterday and I couldn't understand a word she said... but then her husband spoke after her and I understood perfectly. The different states in Mexico have different cultures and accents so your ear just has to get used to the different accents in order to understand haha.

None of our investigators came to church this week. Or conference last week. Or the baptism that was on Saturday. I am learning that the numbers don't alwas mean that I am an unsucessful missionary but it still feels like it sometimes. We are trying to work more with members but since the two branches are so small and there are 4 sets of missionaries that cover the two branches it can be pretty rough. There are only two active families from the Spanish branch in our area (one being the branch president) and about 4 or 5 in the English branch (one being the other branch president). We are working hard though.

Well, It's time to go again, but here is a picture or two for you all to enjoy! I hope all is well back at home. I would love to receive any and all of your conversion stories and how you came to know that the church was true. Also I would love to know who would like me to write them a letter! I am behind but I am catching up! So if you haven't gotten a letter from me you should be receiving one soon, if not, let me know and I will write you one as soon as I can!

I love you all!

Hermana Hopkins

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