Monday, February 25, 2013

Week Two!

Hey Everyone, sorry this is late. Our mom had some computer issues and I didn't get the letter until just now.

Anyways! Here's an update from Ally!

Well, this week was an adventure. My companion and I were have some difficulties bumping heads and stepping on toes (not literally of course). We are both pretty indepedent and we like to do things are own way. We aren't passive people, we are assertive and know what we want. We realized that our lessons weren't unified and that we just got frustrated during planning. So we talked to each other and addressed our concerns. We both want the lessons to go well and we both know that we need to let the Spirit be the teacher. We both needed to take a step back, let the Spirit guide, and then move forward with what ever we were prompted to do. So we have been praying for our companionship and for our investigator, Ricarda. We had another sister give us some advice that really helped. She said that when we plan we need to focus on three things... 1. What does the investigator need to KNOW? 2. What does the investigator need to FEEL? 3. What does the investigator need to DO? So first we find out what the investigator is srtuggling with and what knowledge or doctrine would help them the most. Then we figure out what they need to feel. Usually they need to feel the spirit and that God loves them. Then we figure out what they need to do to know for themselves, whether that is praying to know that the Book of Mormon is true, or simply reading a verse and telling us of their experience when we follow up with them agin. We have to focus it all onthe investigator, never ourselves. Our personal study time is for the investigator. Our language study time is for the investigator. Our companionship planning is for the investigator. We always need to have them in mind and let the Spirit guide us to what we need to do to help them the most. It has been very humbling to recognize that it's not about me anymore. It's not about my comfort, whether I can speak the language fluently or comfortably, whether I look good or not, whether I have had enough sleep or even eaten. I do those things and make decisions for them, to find out what they need to here, to be an instrument in the Lord's hands so that he can bless the lives of others through me. That's what a missionary is. We do not teach lessons, the spirit teaches people. I have really been enjoying my personal study time though, I have been studying more about Christ's sacrifice and also I have been re-reading the Book of Mormon. This isn't to develop a testimony, but to strengthen the testimony that I already have. A person can not expect to gain a testimony once they get in to the MTC. You have to have one first or else the rules and the schedule will break you. Or else you will be so frustrated and doubtful of all the things you are doing. Sometimes things can be frustrating, but I know that the rules are here to help and bless me so that I can help and bless others. I know that there is a reason for everything. God is so intelligent. His plan is divine. Terrificly infinite and detailed, but plainly simple and easy to understand if you have faith. If you don't have a testimony of the purpose of this life or who you are or where you are going then a mission is not for you. BUT, if you do happen to know who you are, or you have a desire to serve the Lord, or you want to help others have the same knowledge that you do, then GET READY TO WORK. This work of the Lord will go forward. He is building his army and we will not fail. We can not be stopped. We are here to serve a righteous cause. God will not be mocked and He will have His glory. I am so grateful to serve in this, His battle. I love the Lord, I know that he is my older brother and that he loves me. I know that God is my Heavenly Father and that when I listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost that he will lead me to what He would have me do. I know that my companion and I have grown closer because we both have the same goal in mind. And that is to come back completely and truly converted to the Gospel. To never go back to the ways of the natural man. To bring light and life to others who know not truth simply because they know not where to find it. To help others know that they can be with their families for eternity. To invite others to come unto Christ and feel of God's love. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
With Love,
Hermana Alexandria Juliet Hopkins

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